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What Makes Food Organic?
It is hard to imagine now but once upon a time, all food was organic. Farmers had no alternative but to use natural methods in order to enrich the soil, control weeds and eliminate pests....
Advice for the Would-Be Vegetarian
Eat a meat-based diet, but would like to become a vegetarian? You have good reasons to make the switch: Plant-based eating helps not only your health but the health of the planet as well....
10 Iron-Rich Foods for Vegans
Iron: It’s a critical nutrient for carrying oxygen to your cells and your immune system. We can’t function without it and yet iron deficiency is surprisingly common. Dietary iron occurs ...
10 Tips for Going Vegetarian
Changing to a vegetarian diet comes with numerous health benefits but when you first make the transition, it's important to learn about the different kinds types of food you'll have to ea...